Government Approved
TEEP was launched in 2015 by the Taiwan Ministry of Education (MOE). Every TEEP affiliated university program in Taiwan submits an annual budget and planning proposal for MOE review and approval. All programs must comply with government regulations to ensure the basic rights of international students and education quality.
Scholarship Grants
To help students meet living expenses, most programs provide scholarships to eligible TEEP participants, with an MOE-mandated maximum stipend of 15,000 NTD per month. The actual stipend amount is determined by each program director.
TEEP participants will be placed in a laboratory, research unit, enterprise or elementary/secondary school, and provided with opportunities to attend seminars, Chinese language courses and cultural activities to enhance their professional capabilities.
Taiwan has world-class semiconductor manufacturers, such as the world's largest IC contract foundries TSMC and UMC. In 2019, Taiwan's semiconductor industry output exceeded 87.1 billion U.S. dollars. Taiwan’s government has developed three regional Science Parks as concentrations of high value-added industries, giving full play to cluster-specific effects and benefits to generate innovative technologies and applications. Government agencies, enterprises, and universities have made significant financial and technical investments to improve Taiwan’s R&D capabilities. According to WEF’s “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019”, Taiwan ranked 7th of 141 countries in terms of R&D capacity, and 5th in terms of R&D expenditures.
ExploreMedicine & Public Health
Taiwan's boasts a world-class medical technology sector. Fourteen of the world’s top 200 hospitals are located in Taiwan, the greatest concentration in Asia and 3rd in the world. According to the Institute for Management Development (IMD) “2019 World Competitiveness Yearbook”, Taiwan ranked 6th in the world in terms of health infrastructure. According to Numbeo’s Health Care Index 2020, Taiwan's healthcare system has been ranked No. 4 in the world for two years in a row, behind South Korea, Japan and Denmark. During the global pandemic period, Taiwan was ranked first place in the COVID-19 Recovery Index in more than 120 regions and countries, published by the Tokyo-based English-language news magazine "Nikkei Asia" in 2022.
ExploreNatural Science
Science and technology are at the heart of Taiwan’s progress and economic rise. Committed to keeping abreast of the latest developments in science and technology, the government has allocated an ever-increasing portion of its budget and manpower to research and development. In 2019, Taiwan ranked 6th worldwide for the number of U.S. patents granted. And, as its world rankings in Science Citation Index and Engineering Index papers continued to climb, Taiwan is well on its way to becoming a knowledge-based society. According to the Institute for Management Development (IMD) “2019 World Competitiveness Yearbook”, Taiwan ranked 2th in the world in the “High-tech Export” field.
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The introduction of TEEP Program
Taiwan’s Ministry of Education launched the Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) to enco...

Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan (English Subtitle)
Come and Join us. You will find out your own impression of Taiwan.

TEEP@NKNU 2017 Winter Elite Study in Southern Taiwan
2017-2018 TEEP@India Program 教育部「優秀外國青年來台蹲點計畫」 接待單位:國立高雄師範大學 華語文教學研究所 高師大TEEP係以印度大學生為主要對象,設計科技、華語、文化...

TEEP@NCCU Silvia Medina 哥倫比亞篇(Colombia)
Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan: The Colombian girl came to Taiwan for s...

Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan: A girl from Singapore came to Taiwan fo...

TEEP@NCCU Lucie捷克篇(Czech)
Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan: The czechish girl came to Taiwan for st...

TEEP@NCCU 吉里巴斯篇( Kiribati)
Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan: The girl from Kiribati came to Taiwan f...
The introduction of TEEP Program
Taiwan’s Ministry of Education launched the Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) to encourage more international students to participate in short-term professional internship projects organized by Taiwanese universities and colleges. TEEP also allows international students to gain an in-depth educational experience in Taiwan, while also preparing themselves for the Asian job market.
The wide range of programs under TEEP provides students from all backgrounds opportunities to immerse themselves in the operations of key Taiwan companies and industries. Moreover, TEEP helps students find relevant and useful job placements at various companies. In these positions, students will gain firsthand knowledge that will put them well on their way in the business world. To ease participants into their internships in Taiwan, TEEP also features cultural immersion activities to improve language and cultural fluency. All participants are provided with high-quality dormitory accommodations, as well as opportunities to learn to speak Mandarin Chinese.
Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan (English Subtitle)
Come and Join us. You will find out your own impression of Taiwan.
TEEP@NKNU 2017 Winter Elite Study in Southern Taiwan
2017-2018 TEEP@India Program 教育部「優秀外國青年來台蹲點計畫」 接待單位:國立高雄師範大學 華語文教學研究所 高師大TEEP係以印度大學生為主要對象,設計科技、華語、文化結合的特殊課程型態,以符合印度當地需求。 高師大TEEP頗受好評,共有28位印度大學及研究生參加,在台長達9週,規模及時間為本年度TEEP印度區域之冠。課程主要包括三部分:每週6小時的華語課程、6小時的文化課程及科技參訪活動、全英科技專題講座
TEEP@NCCU Silvia Medina 哥倫比亞篇(Colombia)
Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan: The Colombian girl came to Taiwan for studying. She participated TEEP during the last semester of exchanging students' life. She expected to understand much more about Taiwan through this project.
Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan: A girl from Singapore came to Taiwan for studying. She joins TEEP during last October and December. She expects to understand much more about Taiwan through this project.
TEEP@NCCU Lucie捷克篇(Czech)
Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan: The czechish girl came to Taiwan for studying. She participated TEEP during the last semester of exchanging students' life. She expected to understand much more about Taiwan through this project.
TEEP@NCCU 吉里巴斯篇( Kiribati)
Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan: The girl from Kiribati came to Taiwan for studying. She participated TEEP during winter break. She expects to understand much more about Taiwan through this project.
Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan: 3 Mongolian girls came to Taiwan for studying. They join TEEP during last October and December. They expect to understand much more about Taiwan through this project.
TEEP@NCCU Lilian 德國篇(Germany)
Connecting the World with Your On-site Experience in Taiwan: The German girl came to Taiwan for studying. She participated TEEP during the last semester of exchanging students' life. She expected to understand much more about Taiwan through this project.