A Global Internship Lab – 2025 TEEP x NSYSU, TAIWAN National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) Do you have a big idea for how to make an impact? This summer, from June 16 to September 5, the NSYSU will be the host for TEEP: Youth Business Talents Initiative Program (YBTI). The program is a team internship opportunity for international youths interested in seeking their future career development in economically booming Asia area. Our program is well designed to facilitate international youths’ professional learning on the one hand and help Taiwanese enterprises to gain more internationalized experience and talents on the other. Moreover, the opportunity for participants to be recruited as a full-time employee by Taiwanese enterprise after the program can be expected accordingly.
In the past 8 years, 2015 to 2019 & 2022 to 2024, 17 international students from France, Ghana, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Slovakia, South Africa, USA, and Vietnam got full-time positions in the local enterprises to seek for their long-term careers after participating in this program. We expect to bridge more international talents with the Taiwanese enterprises in the upcoming years.
On-line application is open on our website: http://teep.cm.nsysu.edu.tw/ till May 5, 2025. Grab the chance and go for it!
Why should you join?
- Meet purpose driven top talents with diverse background and expertise and build strong lasting relations and friendships.
- Work on new ideas with practical experiences to learn more about Taiwanese business culture.
- Cultural trips and activities to experience the unique Taiwanese culture.
- Partial subsidy for 10-week allowance of NTD36,000 for living expenses in Kaohsiung.
- Get a chance to be recruited as a full-time employee in Taiwan after the program.
- Field: Business & Management
- School: National Sun Yat-sen University
- Organizer: Department of Information Management
- Period of Apply: Now - 2025/05/05
- Term: 3 to 6 months
- Website of Program: teep.cm.nsysu.edu.tw/
- Contact Person:Ashley Huang
- Email:haha21@g-mail.nsysu.edu.tw,taiwan.nsysu.teep@gmail.com