

This program has two main purposes: (1) To guide international students to understand how Taiwanese industries formulate and implement carbon emission reduction, waste management, toxic substances management, and water/energy/other resource management and reuse in accordance with GRI standards; (2) to guide international students to understand how Taiwanese companies disclose their efforts and contributions to the circular economy through the preparation of sustainability reports, and how this sustainable development information affects the companies themselves and their stakeholders.

This program will be carried out through the course, which mainly include four parts: (1) Introduction to the basic concepts of circular economy, (2) Introduction to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) , (3) Introduction to Sustainability reports, and (4) short-term internship and special project。 During the course, the instructor will invite managers of a partner company to provide collaborative guidance and have students to visit partner companies。

During the visit to the partner companies, student will learn what wastes the companies emit, how much they emit, how they measure carbon emissions and implement carbon emission management, and how they reuse recyclable wastes。 Finally, students will be required to write a brief sustainability report for the companies they are interviewing with。

  • Field: Business & Management
  • School: Providence University
  • Organizer: Department of Accounting, College of Management
  • Period of Apply: 2024/01/15 - 2024/05/15
  • Term: 2024/09/01 - 2024/11/30
  • Contact Person:Chia-Hui Chen
  • Phone:886-4-26328001 Ext. 13213