

Our Aquaculture program offers a perfect blend of theoretical and practical learning for students pursuing their bachelor's degree and looking to advance to a master's program in the field of aquaculture. The program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the field, covering topics such as aquatic science and technology, feed development, aquatic nutritional physiology, and sustainable aquaculture practices. Our lab specializes in training students on breeding techniques of various aquaculture species, providing them with the opportunity to explore different aquaculture interests, including the breeding of white shrimps, marine ornamental fish, and shrimps.

Our aquaculture practice field is located next to Jingsi Lake, which provides a soothing atmosphere for learning, surrounded by mountains and rivers with beautiful scenery. The field is equipped with everything that students need for practical training on a series of reproduction and seedling rearing processes, such as Thai shrimp, ornamental fish, and ornamental shrimp. We believe in applying academic theories to the scene and adapting to local conditions. Therefore, we provide field visits to aquaculture farms in Taiwan so that students can experience and see different management techniques utilized by farmers.

Our students are trained in data collection and analysis techniques for ongoing projects/experiments, and they are assigned to work on specific projects with local and other international students. By doing so, the students are expected to read relevant papers to improve not only their knowledge and understanding of the subject but also their English proficiency as well as Mandarin by interacting with locals.

Our program is specifically designed to enhance students' aquaculture knowledge and skills, allowing them to stay ahead in their career. We firmly believe that the program will provide students with the necessary tools and resources to succeed in this field. If you are thinking about continuing your studies and publishing your work, then our lab is the perfect place for you.

We are very active in paper writing and publishing papers, contributing our knowledge and findings to the wider diaspora. We offer training to improve your scientific writing for your future aquaculture research publications. Our program is perfect for those currently pursuing their bachelor's degree and looking to advance to a master's program in these fields.

Applicant requirements:
- Personal CV
- Enrolled as a Bachelor's student in the Department of Aquaculture
- English proficiency is required for effective communication and learning
- Lab experience
- Practical farm skills are required
- At the end of the program, students are expected to give a full report of all their learning activities.

Join our program and experience the best of theoretical and practical learning in the field of aquaculture.

  • Field: Agriculture & Fishery
  • School: National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
  • Organizer: Department of Aquaculture
  • Period of Apply: 2024/01/15 - 2024/04/15
  • Term: 2024/05/01 - 2024/10/31
  • Fee: Fees: No registration fee or tuition fee.
    Accommodation: On-campus accommodation will be arranged
    Monthly scholarship allowance: $12000 NTD (granted by TEEP)
  • Contact Person:Chun-Hung Liu
  • Phone:087703202 EXT 6228、6298