

There are 4 laboratories for you to select up to your favorite research topics listed below. 
Here are some golden examples for you to refer:

a.        Christian Reivan Banjarnahor from ITB, Indonesia: After internship, he got 3 offers in Indonesia.
b.       Mykyta Umnykov from Ukraine: He already gets the entrance admission along with full scholarship after his internship. He will transfer his status seamlessly from intern student to full-time master student in Dept. Electronic and Computer Engineering, NTUST.
c.        Christophorus Galang Wijanarko from UGM, Indonesia: during his time in Taiwan, he engaged in FPGA research. Following the completion of his internship, he successfully applied for admission to the master's program in the Electronic and Computer Engineering department, NTUST, securing a full scholarship.

You can find more internship student introduction videos here.


The monthly stipend for TEEP internship is 15,000 TWD (around 5oo USD) per month. We’ll try our very best to help international students make their stay here very rewarding personally, academically, and professionally. Hope after TEEP internship, they’ll pursue our graduate programs and even work for Taiwanese semiconductor companies after graduation.  We’ll hook them up with IC companies here to get the best offers. If you’re interested, please send you CV, transcript and English certificate to the corresponding professor. Look forward to seeing you soon. ^_^


TEEP application process:

1.       Please contact and send all application materials (e.g. CV, transcript in English… etc.) to the following professor you are interested.

2.       If you are approved to join their laboratory after online interview, please get in touch with Hao-Yu Huang <> who will contact you to follow up your internship.

3.       The latest day to arrive the intern laboratory is the end of this year.


Host professors:

1.       Poki Chen:  FPGA analog applications, Digital to Analog converter(DAC), SAR ADC, Time-Domain ADC, Voltage Reference, Temperature Sensor.

2.       Yuh-Shyan Hwang, Jiann-Jong Chen: DC/DC, DC/AC, AC/DC and AC/AC Power IC Design,c2681.php?Lang=en,c2681.php?Lang=en

3.       Chih-Wen Lu: Driver IC design for LCD, OLED, mini- & micro-LED.

4.       Hsiao-Chin Chen: Wireless Communication、Quantum Computer、 Biomedical Electronics、 Analog/RF IC

  • Field: Engineering
  • School: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  • Organizer: Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
  • Period of Apply: 2023/12/01 - 2024/12/31
  • Term: 2024/01/01 - 2024/12/31
  • Fee: The monthly stipend for TEEP internship is 15,000 TWD (around 5oo USD) per month. We’ll try our very best to help international students make their stay here very rewarding personally, academically, and professionally. Hope after TEEP internship, they’ll pursue our graduate programs and even work for Taiwanese semiconductor companies after graduation. We’ll hook them up with IC companies here to get the best offers. If you’re interested, please send you CV, transcript and English certificate to the corresponding professor. Look forward to seeing you soon. ^_^
  • Website of Program:
  • Contact Person:Hao-Yu Huang
  • Phone:+886-227333141 # 7202