

Dr. Lin welcomes talented international youths to visit his laboratory. Potential candidates must be independent, responsible, and interested in experiencing the learning environment of Taiwan's education system. Please prepare a self-introduction, such as a SWOT analysis, to support the learning ability. If your major is not in food science, please propose how to adapt to a new field which will be areas related to functional and sustainable cereal products developed by the food extrusion processing technology; in addition, you must also provide proof of English proficiency, and those with higher scores will be given priority. TEEP awardees are expected to participate in the research work for 3 to 6 months. The awardees will be given NT$12,000/month. If the subsidy is for 3 months, they will receive a scholarship of NT$36,000 in total at the end, which can be used for round-trip air tickets, living expenses, etc.

  • Field: Agriculture & Fishery
  • School: National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
  • Organizer: Department of Food Science
  • Period of Apply: 2024/01/15 - 2024/03/31
  • Term: 2024/03/01 - 2024/12/31
  • Fee: No tuition fee and free accommodation for up to 3 months.
  • Website of Program:
  • Contact Person:Jenshinn Lin (Nelson)
  • Phone:0912726780