

Many types of RNA viruses, such as influenza A viruses, enteroviruses, and coronaviruses, could infect humans and cause severe diseases. These pathogenic RNA viruses may evolve rapidly and consequently escape from host immunity. Therefore, the viruses could continuously circulate in human population and threaten public health. Because interaction between RNA viruses and their host cells is crucial for pathogenicity, our laboratory have focused on the research of virus-host interaction in cells infected with RNA viruses, including influenza A virus and enterovirus. We have applied multiple omics technologies to identify host factors that may be involved in viral replication and pathogenicity caused by the viruses. Our laboratory is located at the Research Center for Emerging Viral Infections, which is equipped several standard BSL-2 laboratories and up-to-date instruments for molecular biology research, in Chang Gung University.

The international visiting scholars and exchanged students visiting our laboratory will join the following projects and learn knowledge for RNA virus. The laboratory training will include basic molecular biology and virology experiments, mammalian cell culture, proteomics analysis, and practice for managing biosafety level 2 pathogens.

  • Field: Medicine & Public Health
  • School: Chang Gung University
  • Organizer: Medical Biotechnology and Laboratory Science / Research Center for Emerging Viral Infections
  • Period of Apply: 2024/02/19 - 2024/04/20
  • Term: 8 weeks
  • Fee: Dormitory at Chang Gung University, NTD 520/week.
  • Website of Program:
  • Contact Person:Rei-Lin Kuo