1. Project content: Pressure sensors have been widely used in industry, automobile, and medical devices. To obtain an accurate pressure mapping, the development of pressure sensor array has become more and more important. However, the present pressure sensor array can only detect the pressure distribution with a size of millimeter and cannot distinguish the difference for the sensing pixel of less than millimeter, limiting the applications of the pressure sensor array. Here, a high-density piezoresistive pressure sensor array system will be developed to scale the sensing pixel of the pressure sensor array to lower than 0.1 millimeter via the semiconductor technology. With a readout system of the pressure senor array, a real-time and high-density pressure distribution can be obtained. The high-density piezoresistive pressure sensor array system is promising for the application in pressure mapping of micro-points, giving rise to the development of the functionality and accuracy of the medical devices. The students can learn the technology of semiconductor and MEMS processes, the fabrication of pressure sensing array system, and the design of readout circuit. After the project, the students can have the capabilities of developing high-accuracy bio-medical equipment in future.
2. Scholarship: Maximum NT$15,000/month
3. Duration: 2~6 months
4. Requirement: Undergraduate or graduate student in engineering-related or biomedicine-related department
- Field: Engineering
- School: Chang Gung University
- Organizer: Department of Electronic Engineering
- Period of Apply: 2024/01/01-2024/12/31
- Term: 2~6 months
- Fee: 1. Dormitory fee: NT$520/week
2. Physical examination fee - Website of Program: elec.cgu.edu.tw/p/412-1084-236.php?Lang=en
- Contact Person:Jer-Chyi Wang
- Email:jcwang@mail.cgu.edu.tw
- Phone:+886-3-2118800 ext.5784