

Inviting outstanding young scholars from abroad to Taiwan for a short-term stay, facilitating the mutual exchange of educational and academic resources and cultural insights from different countries. The platform for this initiative is the Laboratory of Applied Nanocomposites and Nanophotonics in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Feng Chia University.

During your visit to Taiwan, we will arrange for you to enter the laboratory and experience the educational system and environment, especially in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the cooperative lab at Feng Chia University. The research topics we are interested in are perovskite solar cell materials, nanocomposite materials, nanophotonic sensors, photocatalytic materials, and green, sustainable agriculture. You are also encouraged to write a research manuscript with a topic related to your study at Feng Chia University and a cooperative lab in Taiwan.

During this program, we will support the Scholarship, which includes:
1. Round-trip Flight Tickets (depending on your Itinerary),
2. Dormitory fee (we will help to assist the place),
3. Temporary student card,
4. Healthy and accident insurance,
5. Living allowance, etc.

  • Field: Engineering
  • School: Feng Chia University
  • Organizer: Department of Materials Science and Engineering
  • Period of Apply: 2024/02/01 - 2024/09/30
  • Term: 2024/03/01 - 2024/12/31
  • Fee: The participants of the TEEP program are responsible for covering round-trip airfare (including visa fees and insurance costs), accommodation expenses, temporary student card, accident insurance, healthy diagnosis, and living allowance (approximately in total NTD 60,000 ~ 72,000 for six months)
  • Contact Person:Yi-Hsin Chien
  • Phone:+886-4-24517250 #5316