Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment method which has been used in Asian culture for thousands of years. Scientific research has shown that acupuncture can be effective for the treatment of different health conditions and symptoms, like low back pain etc. Therefore, it has become a popular treatment method in the western world too and also became part of the health care system in many countries. During treatment the acupuncturist inserts thin needles into the patient’s body at multiple acupoints. The needles have the aim to rebalance the body’s qi and blood movement in order to relieve symptoms and treat diseases.
China Medical University, Taiwan has always put the main focus on the education and practice of Chinese Medicine. It is the main institution in Taiwan to undertake the training of Chinese medicine practitioners, Chinese medicine researchers and Chinese Medicine teaching stuff. In addition to the inheritance of Chinese medicine, it also committed to the integration of Chinese and Western medicine to create a modern medical approach. Acupuncture in the 21st century has developed into a multi-disciplinary, cross-field complex academic system that includes the cooperation of Chinese and Western medicine to combine tradition and modernity. This project will give students the opportunity to follow experienced acupuncturist in their everyday practice. Here the students will have the opportunity to learn directly from our acupuncturists who are specialized in treating patients with various diseases, including musculoskeletal disorders, traumatology, neurology, internal medicine etc. Beside traditional and modern acupuncture methods, the students will have the chance to observe other more advanced acupuncture styles which are popular in Taiwan, like the Tung acupuncture style, Fu's Subcutaneous Needling etc. The students are going to spend half of the day in the clinic doing a clinical clerkship. The other half of the day the student will have time for case discussion, online learning and the participation in other Chinese medical activities. This clinical clerkship is only limited to participants with medical background.
Welcome to Taiwan to learn Acupuncture
College of Chinese medicine at CMU, Taiwan:
International Admission to College of Chinese Medicine at CMU, Taiwan:
- Field: Medicine & Public Health
- School: China Medical University
- Organizer: International Master Program in Acupuncture
- Period of Apply: 4 months before the expected participation in the program (for instance: if the expected period of stay in Taiwan is June, you need to register before February)
- Term: 2023.06-2023.11
- Fee: No additional tuition fee is required. (Students must pay for travel tickets, accommodation, etc. during their stay in Taiwan by themselves)
- Website of Program:
- Contact Person:Peggy or Peter Mayer
- Phone:04-22053366 #3609