

1. Building a real-time streaming system for table tennis matches with Internet of Things (IoT).
2. Use raspberry pie and webcam to get the matches real-time video.
3. Set up the video streaming and connect to the server.
4. Use machine learning and YOLO to set up the teable tennis video object recognition model.
5. Build the rule by the ball, racket, net etc. relative position to automatically decide and record the score and turn this into the code.
6. Design the phone application which can do the match live streaming and display the real-time automatic identification score.
7. Integrate the video streaming, database, object recognition model, application together.

  • Field: Engineering
  • School: National Ilan University
  • Organizer: Department of Electronic Engineering
  • Period of Apply: 2023/1/13~2023/2/28
  • Term: 2023/3/1~2023/6/17
  • Fee: 1. Administrative fee : NT. 10000 2. Accommodation fee : Total NT. 9500 (During the semester:March~June). NT. 80 per day during summer vacation (July~August)
  • Website of Program:
  • Contact Person:Zhong Kai, Wei