

The interns will grow heterostructured 2D transition metal disulfide (TMD) ultrathin films, down to sub monolayers, using molecular beam epitaxy and characterize their properties with techniques of scanning probe microscopy, electron diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. The interns will learn basic ultrahigh vacuum techniques, molecular beam epitaxy, 2D materials fabrication, and characterization techniques. The intern will receive TEEP intern subsidy.

Accommodation at NTU off-campus dormitory can be arranged.

The internship period is expected to be 4 to 6 months. Interns in master or PhD programs of natural sciences (physics, chemistry, materials sciences etc.) are preferred. The lab language of communication is english. Interns are expected to submit one midterm report and a final report.

  • Field: Natural Science
  • School: National Taiwan University
  • Organizer: center for condensed matter sciences
  • Period of Apply: 2025/04/01 - 2025/12/31
  • Term: 2025/01/01-2025/12/31
  • Fee: the intern will receive TEEP internship subsidy but he or she has to cover the dormitory fee.
  • Website of Program:
  • Contact Person:白偉武
  • Phone:0233665252